

The program package is released under the MIT License.

Citing SimPrily

The SimPrily manuscript has been submitted. If you make use of SimPrily in your research, we would appreciate the following citation:

Gladstein, A.L., Quinto-Cortés, C.D., Pistorius, J.L., Christy, D., Gantner, L., Woerner, A.E., Joyce, B.L. (2018). SimPrily: A Python framework to simplify high-throughput genomic simulations. SoftwareX, 7:335-340.

Citing Dependencies

If you make use of SimPrily in your research, we encourage you to cite the MaCS paper:
Chen, G., Marjoram, P., & Wall, J. (2009). Fast and flexible simulation of DNA sequence data. Genome Research, 136–142.

If you use the GERMLINE option in your research, we encourage to you to cite the GERMLINE papers:
Gusev A, Lowe JK, Stoffel M, Daly MJ, Altshuler D, Breslow JL, Friedman JM, Pe'er I (2008). Whole population, genomewide mapping of hidden relatedness. Genome Research.

If you use the pseudo array option in your research, we encourage you to cite the methods manuscript:
Quinto-Cortés, C.D., Woerner, A.E., Watkins, J.C., Hammer, M.F. (2018). Modeling SNP array ascertainment with Approximate Bayesian Computation for demographic inference. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 10209.

If you use the Pegasus workflow in your research, please consult the Pegasus website :

If you use the Open Science Grid in your research, please consult the OSG website:


The program package is maintained and developed by:

SimPrily had its beginnings based off of work by:

Other contributors:
